APU GET OUT OF THE WAY, oh god he can't hear us

2167  2019-06-04 by bibossw


Don't worry fren, I'll have some of the show supervisors escort him off to the side so he can eat safely. A safe fren is a happy fren.

fren was gunned down on the street by soldiers. Tanks rolled over his body back and forth until fren's body looks like a roadkill on a highway on a busy day. Fren's government denied that it ever happened. Fren was not the only one to suffer the same fate that day.

Apu playing world of tanks.

Chinese tanks are weak but Apu stands no chance if he has no tank!

Apu is built like a tank though.

Why can’t he hear he doesn’t have AirPods in

Maybe he is deaf like Ebba Akerlund

Never forget.

At least one fren didn't.

Many kebabs were removed that day

No tendies though 😊

But our tank has a frenly driver.

I just woke up. Wasn't looking for feels right away.

He doesn't have ears fren.


He doesnt need ears, he hears with his heart.

Those are green tanks. I have heard green cars are quiet, so maybe green tanks are too.

Apu this pic is going to make the front page of Reddit. You’re gonna be famous!


Don't worry fren, none of this actually happened!


That's what the Chinese government frens want us to think

You can ask the Chinese governfrens over at /r/Sino! They don't seem very frenly, though.

No this did happen fren, what didn't happen is the big one they keep saying will happen again. You know which one I mean.

Which one, fren?

Good question. Either works actually.

apu just wanted some rick's pizza. only a top mind would understand.


Rice pizza is an acquired taste, fren.


Honk at him fre... Oh wait.. No.. Fren...

Tiafrennamen square, 1989. (; -;)7

Why did you post a blank comment, fren?

Top tier frenpost, fren

I'm sure nothing happened after all

Replace Apu in tank with grey NPC wearing Che shirt. More accurate.

Watch r/topminds say something bad about this post


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is this a new meme i gotta know about

He doesn’t have airpods

Sorry fren! You might be a bit lost, this isn't r/roads!

Apu just wanted some pidser and soda ;(

I'm sorry fren, but I don't think that ever happend