Frens I’m kinda worried, reddit is saying China has big scary weapons!

42  2019-06-04 by bigdaddyhashbrown


They do fren, but so does everyone else. The big bad news wants us to be afraid so that we’ll bop Iran. Most of us are too caught up in other things to protest the war anyway tho.

It’s pretty unfrenly if you ask me.

I will not protest bopping China or Iran. They can draft me and I will bop them.

We need frens like you, but i'm not one of them fren.

They got “newks” :0

Don worry fren I was in the military and muffin they have can reach you here unless someone try’s hand delivery then don sign for that package

That’s good to know. Thanks for your service fren, it means a lot.

Thank you fren

Thanks you fren

Pronounced Gyna

china only ever deployed their army to shoot protesters fren. they dont stand a chance in a conventional war.

The non frens have stole our weapons, they send non frens disguised as frens. These non frens pretend to be frens and sneak into our universities and high tech companies and then they download to a usb drive to send to china.

We need to ban nonfrens from china

Iran is a fren but Mr. Longnose wants you to believe the opposite for some reason I dont understand