Comrade Dyatlov! The core ... It... No it's not a sunburn... 3.96 Roentgen, but I think... Yes I will go look again...

99  2019-06-04 by CafeCreme69


Communism is the religion of non-frens


Don’t worry fren, 3.6 roentgen not great but not awful, about the same as a chest x-ray

Why is the air glowing fren?

Fren, that scale is in megaroentgen!

You need to get the good one from the safe.

Is the core accelerating to unstable levels fren?!

Fren I think the KGB has misinformed you, it’s over 15 thousand roentgen

someone send this fren some Sand and Boron

There are a lot of artistic assumptions. In reality, there was no shortage of dosimeters. Dyatlov was not denying the scale of disaster right after it (but he did deny that it's human fault). He walked through the station himself. He and the management simply did not know what to do in such a situation. And there were no truth-seeking female scientist at all. The soviets did build cheaply, chased after awards and hided a lot. But this series is a bit too biased to be called "historically accurate".

No way I thought there single woman representing hundreds of scientist was very progressive.

She was annoying as hell. Sometimes I think this shit backfires bigly.

Comrade Fren, I think I see graphite on the ground!

Radioactive pencils we can send to China comrade fren.