The homos annoy me, frens.

0  2019-06-03 by Antifa_Hunter


thats not very friendly, fren

Meh. As long as people keep their personal business to themselves, I don't give a shit who anyone fucks or marries. Personal liberty and the freedom to choose your own life course is one of the frenliest ways to live.

The problem with that is when has any nonfren ever kept anything to themselves?

I live by similar guidelines. Who am I to say that somebody should stop doing something that makes them happy? I love my homofrens

Keep it in the frenroom

There’s some cool homies out there fren

This subreddit is a piece of shit.


Subhuman racists like you actually exist. Your post history is a fucking joke. I don’t even know what to call you besides an unmendable and insecure idiot. I don’t understand how people can be subjected to that amount of degeneracy.

why u upsetti, if the sodomites can't keep to themselves then of course i will be annoyed. Bop!

gayfrens are fren too desu

HomoFrenz are still frenz, this is not a frenly thing