A hug for all my lbgt frens at the start of pride month!

0  2019-06-03 by graukaas


Little green big tendies

mmmmmh tendies

All frens deserve hugs! I'm sure some LGBT frens feel sad, so they should get a hug too! Even if some encourage our frens to have healthy and frenly lives, we don't hate any frens :)

Fens don't hate. Well said fren!


I hugged a ligba-fren, but he always keeps trying to hug me from behind. I feel kinda weird now 😕


go to r/antifafrenworld

Oof no.. All braindead

no man

Be careful to not catch the Aids, fren!

Fags can give you easily preventable diseases, fren!

Thanks fren I really needed the hug consider how fucked up my community has become. It's so hard being gay and being lumped in with mental illness by progressives.

Don't let them put you down.. live your life! They seem to be very bitter and unfrenly.

They ruined my community fren and men don't exist in my area. They all are some sort of feminazi hybrid fren. It's so lonely being the only gay guy in the area left.