I know I can do this, frens

409  2019-06-03 by SONNEN_RADICAL


I think I figured it out fren, if we assume x equals 13 then y therefore must be 50.

Yeah, fren, but what about, uhhhhh socioeconomic factors?

Taking those into account, the rotational force required for the wraparound would most likely be equivalent to the action of dividing by zero, you would most likely cause a displacement large enough to either see into the 14th dimension and invent quantum tunneling, or create a second Big Bang through a massive singularity!

I did both, fren. I lived and died more times than I could remember in a 2 minute time span just to come back to the same place. Does this mean I get more tendies now?

A person with a bare minimum amount of intelligence would be aware that socioeconomic factors can fully explain crime rates, and that race as a variable adds nothing to the analysis.

But how do you get 6,000,000 from that fren? It doesn't add up. 300,000 at most maybe.

300,000? What do you mean 500,000?

They're trying to say "the holocaust


Are you planning on going back in time fren?

Everyone knows if you swing over the bar you go back in time.

I figure I can eat my tendies, swing around the bar and be catapulted back in time to before I eatid all my tendies, and eat them again.



wow dis pepe so smart

dis lil guy solving so many problems:D

I would like to appoint you frenworlds head of space program

Well, depending on what you touched in the tunnel, this situation could technically become a larger problem than tendies, if you, say, touched the fabric of reality, then we might be in a large spot of bother