Hello frens , just a frenly reminder that i did not do nothing ;)

41  2019-06-03 by StBlackOps2Cel


Oh it’s the “High IQ” frens


Waz you going to school


Ay yo cuz u bet get out my way, foo. I body crackas clap a cracka ass cracka son.

Does anyone here speak jive?

We out here

He wuz a good boi

We wuz frenz n sheet

This is the opposite of being frenly. Being a real fren is being accepting to everyone. This is why people call all of us not-sees. Thank you for ruining my day.

In what part of this post are you not seeing im being frenly? I said , i didnt do nothing! We accept everyone! Is your IQ high? Cuz theres a sub for the “Top” Iqs here on reddit . Fren dont accuse me


Looks like a vibrant fren engaging in a pitched airsoft battle. Very nonfrenly of you to assume their murderous intent!


Believe me, my iq is not high, and I love fren world. It’s one of the most wholesome places on the Internet. But this is racist and this is very unfrenly. Can you explain how this is not racist? If you can convince me, I will formally apologize and follow you. Sorry I took so long to respond, I didn’t see you commented!

How many dindus didda dindu if he dindu nuffin, fren?

Zim Zam blocks your path

attempt "flimflim"

It was not effective.


You betta get the fuck outta here b'for i cap you ass nigga, you in the wrong neighborhood


This is blacker than actual black people