Hey frens! Anyone see new godzilla movie?

97  2019-06-03 by JHow85


Did the grabblers send you!?!?!

Who!?! My fren Mr. Obvious on nonfren-tube showed me!

Nonfren critics hated it so it must be awesome! Can't wait to see it!

It is awesome

Rrrroooooaaaaarrrrr Fren!🦖🦖🦖

Big man scawwy i need frens for comfort

He is going to wipe out the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki don’t do it Godzilla!!!

It was too low iq fren. Made very dumb so nonfrens can understand it. I wouldn't recommend.

are you expecting war and peace from a Kaiju movie lmao

No fren, no. I just don't want my special needs brains insulted once in a ehile. Apparently, it is too much of an ask for clownlywood.

it's just huge monsters beating the fuck out of each other with token humans so there's a plot what's the issue here

Frens some times we just want to turn our brains off, and see monsters fight each other.