Frens, I still can't find a exit. And I keep hearing foot steps. Phone about to die... send tendies.

3654  2019-06-03 by happybillmoney


Fren!! Behind you! A long nose is approaching!! D:

i th ink i gt a way phone about t

No fren, get outta there. Mr. Long Nose will destroy you

Fren don't worry! Just initiate Kyle fren mode and punch through the drywall!

bad idea, they come

Fren, the way out is through


monkaW out of tendies


Look out, bad elephant!

I'm so sorry, fren. I think it's over. We'll eat tendies in your honor.

Fren, I put a trail of tendies to the exit

lotta tendies

Be silent fren. Power off your phone. There is no exit. There is 6 million acres of humming lights and smelly carpet. You must clip out to escape. Godspeed

ulx noclip ^

Upvote if you know from where this is.

Downvote if you don't care.

This is r/frenworld not r/9gagworld

imagine telling people to upvote your comment if they know a reference in 2019.

no tendies for you

the comment is now deleted, what did it say?

ulx noclip

upvote if you understand

le garry's mod :DDDDDDDD


crouches into corner

starts jumping up and down, creating an abundance of dust while doing so


jumping gets faster

starts to clip out of existence

the non-fren that the fren is trapped in with starts to hear muffled *YAHOOW's*

I did it fren, I clipped out of the backrooms!

reeing is heard from the non-fren, angry he didn't catch our fren

Me n the frens in the backrooms looking for tendies

Hey Fren, always keep your hand on the right wall and keep walking. This way you will easily find the exit. No Fear!

Sending love and tendies! <3

hi frens, why does this room look so familiar, what is it from?

It's an SCP. Can't remember which one

No, it's from a post on /x/


Ironically this is the whole concept behind the Backrooms. Nostalgia and familiarity that you can't quite place

Backrooms be like:



Don’t be scared of the monster fren, make them fear you instead

ill destroy anything who dare frighten this fren

We are here fren

Noclip onto another level fren!

Stay calm, fren. The nosevark is near so you have to work fast. Move in the direction you're facing, and turn right. Hide in that room for a minute until the nosevark passes. Then go back and turn left. Were waiting with the tendies.

Please fren press v for god sake then you caN fly away

Don't follow the shiny coins or promise of low interest rates. Those are traps, fren.

Why you no-clip?

HOW do you no-clip?

Weird movement

Thanks, brb gonna get stuck in the back rooms

If you have any change in your pockets dig it out and hold it in your hand. If he gets too close, throw a single coin far behind you and it should distract him until he chases down and grabbles the coin. You can repeat this until out of coins.

When you run out of coins loudly pretend to be on the phone and mention a fantastic sale somewhere far away in great detail. He may run off and give you a lot of precious time... But be warned, this is a last resort. Whenhe finds out the sale was bogus, he was tricked by a lowly fren, and he wasted gas money he will be furious.

Becarefull if he cries out, for he most certainly will strike you.


Why does he have a long honker?

Because he is Mr. Longnose.

It’s xqc

Sending emergency pack of digital tendies right away! 📦

You've gotta go fast like Sanic fren!

Oh No fren, Anteater is komming yuor way. If you don't comply with his wishes, he is going to touch you with his snout

Look for dark spots on the walls and go through them, they can take you home, but be careful fren, they could take you to worse places

Frens can someone explain this to me :(


Look up the back rooms fren

Fren, it is important that you don’t try to escape. I know it sounds odd, but it’s the only way.

fear not fren. I has arrived and you will live fren!

Fear not fren! I will let no harm come to you!

You guys hate Jews but suck Israeli cock. I don’t get it.

Frens, I don’t get what the bacjrooms are still. Help?

ok fren, it is a testroom for developers, but the developers are now long gone so people and our frens are getting into it through bugs and glitches.

there is a subreddit for it fren (r/backrooms) if u need help just call me! i always help frens!!!!

fry up some tendies for this one he ded

I hope all nonfrens get sent to the Backrooms.

False reporting

Sounds like something non frens would do

This from SPC?

I believe it’s a 4chan post but it may have been made into an SCP

Scp 3008 is very similar but this is the backrooms

It's an /x/ post that got memed

But some SPCs have similar concepts

Fren if you see a human do not go near them! They may look like a human but they are not! Stay calm and you'll be fine

Fren becarful SCP-106 might be in there!


I will give you a GPS and some tendies.

Fren, there is an outlet around the corner. Almost there fren


This made me lol


Me srry giv tendies


Look out Fren! I think I see a Longnose Tribesman!

we need to defeat big noose

Just mine up fren

What are the backrooms from friend?

We must help to free the longnose frens. A big bad man is their master.

ok I understand the backrooms but can someone please explain why the aardvark from pink panther is hunting our fren? :(