i was told this was a hat sub

845  2019-06-02 by RBleh


What a lovely hat, fren!

Fren is an acronyms for

Friends Reading Everything Neat

Our secret hat club 👌

I'd like to partake in the reading of neat things. I've heard that frens are reading Culture of Critique but what are some other neat things to read?

FBI crime statistics and Julius Evola.

Want a fun game? Get yourself a handle of whiskey and take a shot every time Wikipedia uses a variant of the word "racism" in Evola's article.


Anti-Fragile by Nassin Taleb. Turns out that actual diversity makes the human race stronger fren. We need to keep the colors of the rainbow separate 🌈🏳️‍🌈💐

War is peace, weakness is strength and self-extermination truly is life!

I am too weak and underprivileged to understand your comment, fren. Now you must give me all of your belongings or I will use my rawr strong™ power to destroy you and all like you 😬

Animal Fram

Frens please stop upvoting this. Culture of Critique's blanket statements are very unfrenly. One of the quotes from the book is

"The future, then, like the past, will inevitably be a Darwinian competition in which ethnicity plays a very large role."

Racism isn't frenly. In 1,000 years humans will become more and more mixed as globalism eventually occurs. Being ignorant to the reality of eventual globalism shouldn't give someone an excuse to make malicious, divisive blanket statements.

"And long-nose frens will have to be at the centre of that change."

All frens who want change will have to change, fren.

Interracial marriages don’t seem to be all that common, much less a majority.

1000 years is an awful long time though, so who knows.

I really doubt humans 1,000 years from now will still be held back by the same relatively strong tribalistic tendencies. Most people are likely to be cyborgs by then.

Free Redditors Embracing Noobs

very stylish fren. you look like a real fashionist now!

Imagine the reactionaries he'll get strutting around in that hat.

Our fren here is quite fashy, I like his hat

Sounds like you have been around non-frens. Just know they lie to us frens.

FREN is for Frens Ready to Eat Nuggets

Ewww nuggies? I only eat tendies. But to each fren his own I guess

Nuggies are gooder for sharing with frens because have more pieces

Never thought of it that way!

Tendies for when I'm at home, nugs for when I'm with my frens

Don't fret!

You're a fig!

fren, hate in norwegian is hat. better clean it up for our scandinavian frens

good hat fren

F is for Frens who do stuff together

R is for Really Fun

N is of Nywhere and Nytime at all up here in the world wide web



E, France

no frens lie a lot

Where to cop hat, fren?

Cool hat, fren! Maybe pull it down over your face to look extra wacky. Don't forget the eyeholes!

Oh no anti-hat nonfrens are coming for us next.

That hat makes you look extra frenly

very naaaice hat fren

Nice hat fren

very cute fren

Fren this genuinely made me laugh. Also where’d you get such a snazzy hat? Makes you look even more frenly than already.

You have found the right place, fren

wow very cool lil fella:)



Some say that hat stands for "huge anime tiddies." We true frens know that it's just a something we wear on our heads.


As long as it's frenly this sub is for ANYTHING yay :)

They are part and parcel of living in a frenly society

Sweet hat, fren.

Nuggies are gooder for sharing with frens because have more pieces


Don't fret!