Hello frens I'm here to destroy this place because they say it's full of bad people I'm sorry :(

249  2019-06-02 by maruvashudelapieden


Not if we destroy you first

frog whistles

Frens, assemble!

i'm here fren, I heard the whistle.

I brought the frenlight!

I heard a fren whistle, whats happening, are my frens ok?

that lunatic wants to bop a frens we gotta stop him pls help

I heed the call of frens what is the status?

I’m doing my part

Bring the bopper!

I got the memo fren, let’s bop this non-fren

I brought the Fernperial Guard. With lazerbops

Afrengers, afrenble!

I have a frengun

Who’s (((they)))?

Nonfrens of course

Nonfrens of course

The chosen frens of frensreal obviously.


Who's behind this post?

Virgin ballcap temp yellow hardhat vs Chad full brim fiberglass hardhat.

TNT and dynamite?

Fren we have defeated the nonfrens! Frens are safe now


We shall bop you with kindness

It’s the frenly way

One fren said elephants were bad but not all is bad

Elephants have a long memory. This must be why they keep reminding me of that time the great poaching happened so long ago.

Remember remember, the 3st of November

The day the unfrenliness stopped

I'm glad that the nonfrens, and all of their nonsense

Were viciously, savagely bopped


Stob if you push that button yull get blown to smithereens!!!!!!!

Nooo, don't do it fren! We have tendies!