Frens, after talking with his girl for about a month, she messaged me today and told me she doesn’t feel that spark between us anymore like we had. I’m fucking broken

133  2019-06-02 by the2ndexodus


I'm sorry fren. Same thing happened with me and this girl I met online. We both can get through this.

We talked for up to six hours every other day, no exceptions. Then we meet up and I think it’s all good. A week later she tells me she didn’t feel a spark anymore and she doesn’t want to continue talking. I don’t know what the fuck to do

Regarding her? Nothing. Right now is the time to move on and find a spark with another girl.

Girls do that. They want a fairy tale and will never get it. You'll be ok. You've got decades longer to make tadpoles than she does.

I'm sorry fren. Sometimes girl frens don't really make sense, but you just need to focus on yourself. Enjoy time with yourself and you will find a good fren girl

Better a month than years down the road fren the right person's out there for you 😀

Eugh why are you giving that much attention to girl. Do you know how many girls there are out there? You could literally talk to like 15 at a time sorry for the tough love man but a month doesn’t call for being broken about some hoe

Maybe have sex before deciding someone is the one !

Fren, I didn’t even get a chance to smash :(

She was someone who respected themselves, someone who didn’t get wasted every weekend, she was so great. She was a one of a kind, we had almost everything in common.

Sorry to hear that, fren. At least you guys didn't waste your virginity to each other.

What is there to waste? more experience makes you a more empathetic person and means better chance of having a healthy relationship in the future.

That's not true. People with no prematerial sex have the lowest divorce rates.

relationships with other frens don't make you more experienced... that's news to me

Please don’t consecrate your beta-ness and orbit her for the next few months. You’re much better than that fren.

I respect myself too much to orbit her like a beta-cuck

That’s great to hear

ladyfrens only want chadfrens nowdays, and average frens are simply invisible to them.

You just have to make yourself as chad. Cut the tendies and eat healthy


Tip: stop trying to talk to girls. Improve yourself. Get a skill, make money, take care of your body. They will come to you.

Being social in general would be good too


It's okay fren, be happy it's over now and didn't drag on and cause more damage.

She should be sad that she lost someone that loved her, while you didn't lose anything!

Fren, that's a tough one. I know how you feel, my gf of 4 years broke up with me a few months ago. My only advice for you is time does make it better, focus on yourself and doing things you enjoy, and don't forget things do get better.

It’s ok fren one day you’ll find someone who can be more than just a fren

the NEET life has it's down sides.

The key is to never have the spark with your gf to begin with then there’s nothing to lose!

Dont worry fren, the big sad will pass.

you don't know your own worth fren. you'll find someone better just try to stay positive

Don’t be a fag. Fags are not good for you. Am I doing this right?