Remember despite our differences we make life long bonds and are frens to everyone

397  2019-06-02 by Ustasecrusher


Watch out fren!

Around non-frens, never relax!

but he is also a fren

How do you know he’s a non fren? You wouldn’t want people to label you a non fren just because of how you look, or what other people who look like you do.

Despite being 13%...


so how do you tell the difference between a fren and nonfren ifyou cant use labels like fren and nonfren?

Not say that you can’t call some one a non fren if they act like one. But I am says my don’t call some one a non fren based on their looks so it based on their actions.

Are frens allowed to use pattern recognition to recognize nonfrens before bad thing happens to frens?

Sounds like a way for the government to control and surveillance us fren.

Pattern recognition isnt a government program. Its when you notice that things that have orange and black stripes are dangerous and its best to steer clear of them

Ah ok that sounds good fren.

Theyre already wrapped in black tape

We tell by their behaviors fren, certain groups of people just have disproportionate amounts of nonfrens.

Doesn’t mean we have to pain all of them with the same brush.

By not putting their own bad elements in check, they painted themselves with the same brush.

You are responsible for your self only fren. One cannot be punished for the sins of another.

Sure, if you live in the perfect world. You don't get to say that if every time someone from your tribe gets killed by the police justly or unjustly you raise riots as if the entire tribe was aggrieved and need to be placated, if you act tribaly don't complain when other people treat you like a tribe when they have grievances against members that everyone agrees belongs to your tribe. If your people are statistically three times more likely to be violent, don't blame others for being cautious around people that look like you. How many times do you have to interact with a group of people with negative experiences before assuming you'll have negative experience with other members of that group?

Again you seem to making it out that are people responsible for the actions of others. You don’t get to chose your “tribe” fren you are once again seeming to blame people for what they have no control over.

I'm not blaming people who haven't committed the crimes, but i am justified in giving them less benefits of doubt as a group, that's basic survival instincts, if the good people from that group felt punished, that's too bad, they should work to reduce the negative stereotypes about them by reducing criminal behaviors in their own communities.

Are people completely not responsible for what their friends and family do? As a parent are you not responsible for what your kids do before they turn 18? What about the young people from your extended family? If a group of people don't even bother to nurture their kids into responsible and civilized adults, of course they should share the blame for the collective failures of the tribe. The unavoidable fact is that we live in multi tribal society, what your tribe statistics show do affects how other people will interact with people who look like you.


True, fren I understand what you are saying. Just be cautious not to lose your self to rage, or wrath Like so many have. Always try to help others and show empathy. Any way it was nice talking to you.

Hey fren, these frens have been brainwashed just like we were long time ago. They had their lineage disappear and revoked, too. The (((nonfrens))) did them a doosy too, we need to help them find themselves again.

We live in a society

Such a kind message fren, you make a place like fren world so much frenlier with this kind of post

This is a month to be proud that every fren has a separate space, keeping diversity and frenship.

Hurray for frenship!

Separate but united!

Wow that’s a great way to put it fren.

Top notch username

I want all frens to have their own place to live with people that are like them.

They do live around people that are like them fren

Are weeb frens accepted too

Some frens have waifus and some frens have sex. All are frens

Very well put

you met etika???

The fren word pass

Someone has been listening to subversive longnose-frens...

Fuck off with this shit

im frens with nonfrens?

i think some nonfrens can see the light but most are permanentl nonfrenly

the real frens are you're own...

Post nose

If a fren is nice, remember to always be nice in return but if in reality he is a non fren dont fear to use force to protect yourself

remember to refuse civic frenism fren

Hey it’s Will Smith

Separate but united!

You are responsible for your self only fren. One cannot be punished for the sins of another.