Now that it's June, lets take a moment to wish all the nonfrens @ Topmindofreddit and chapocels a happy month dedicated to them!

443  2019-06-02 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Don't worry nonfrens, your parents may not approve of your lifestyle, but you can still be my fren

Gays make the best frens. No competition

“why do we need a month dedicated to us? because the whole year is dedicated to frens and fren history! blah blah blah!”

I think thia is a logical,why you sound like you dont agree,Fren?

Degeneracy month.


This isn’t frenly at all - Why am I being called a degenerate for who I like, fren?

Because "who you like" is unnatural and it's subculture practically oozes disease and degeneracy.

There is nothing wrong with being gay

That is true fren but why u hang out with the mentally ill tranny nonfrens?

Nothing wrong with degenerate scum?

Wtf is wrong with u

Lol “lil cis ter”

Every color has its own separate and special place on the flag, just like it should be

And the lines are straight

That’s genuinely the least frenly thing I’ve ever heard


/############ chugga chugga frens toooooo

I don't know about this, frens. Why we gotta make fun of other frens/nonfrens for what they like?

We are being supportive. I don't mind if non frens are choosing to live their livefe as a gay male.

Non frens can do whatever they like. Frens reject degeneracy, no matter how many times nonfrens try to tell you that it's "normal".

Besides, frens don't let frens get AIDS and die.

I believe they all have been infected with the sickness known as "big ghey", let's pray for their speedy recovery frens!

i give this 10 honks


Lil cic-ster hahaha

Lil cic-ster hahaha

Lil cic-ster hahaha

Lil cic-ster hahaha

Lil cic-ster