Frens, my country is letting a lot of non-frens in. Soon there will be more non-frens than frens! What do??

26  2019-06-01 by algunchico90


Realize that our frensident lied to us

That sound worrying fren. Remember that its not enough to have your bopping stick close by and ready when you need it, it's also important to practice so you know how to use it when you need to.

Thank you for the advice fren

I think I found some solutions in the frener dairies

Maybe chat with the non frens and realize they might be frenly after all! If you have to live with them, do it frenly

Sometimes I see on the news the non-frens do very unfrenly things. It makes me scared of the non-frens

The noos can be non frenly at times, no matter who it’s from! Try and talk with with a non fren in person, if they are still unfrenly, you’ll know for sure

Ok fren I will try

I tried, but the non-frens shot me above the right hip. Owie. No I carry boppers 🙃

Bring in tendies. Remove tacos.

Britistan my fren?

Ok fren I will try

I tried, but the non-frens shot me above the right hip. Owie. No I carry boppers 🙃