the top minds have retreated because frens refused to back down. The war appears to be over. Frenworld is safe.

680  2019-06-01 by WhenISayNYouSayIgger


...for now

Remember frens, bullies are cowards. They run away when challenged.

But let’s not forget the frens of ours they bopped:

u/ExpertSurprise u/S0NNENRADICAL, u/TakeTheHonkPill, u/Shoah-LeBeouf, u/The_Russian_Troll

Your sacrifices and bravery will not be forgotten

Thank you for reminding us fren. Flags will be at half-staff today


Their bodies may have been bopped, but their names will live forever.

More Frens than that have fallen.

Many frens have fallen but those were the ones I knew



Shoutout to u/LowAPM, u/Feminips, u/Slottiefloppiflame, u/thawanderingjew, u/astrologyiscorrect, and u/MyWifeShesAsian. Godspeed, frens.

Rest well, frens. The lives of those you saved will never forget.

Lest we forget the fallen fren.

Wait wtf did those guys get banned?

For real though, what happened to them

The Top Morons Of Reddit reported all their posts so many times to the admins that they ended up getting banned

Oh nu ;-;

Gone, but never forgotten.

They've gone to a better place frens.

They've gone to >!Voat !<

Thank you for your service, fren.

The war against r/againstbeingemployed still wages.

We won without even having to go there lads! They don’t exist!

Semper pepe

Yes sir, Lieutenant Igger!

We must secure the future for our frens!

We should build a wall to keep out the violent need nonfrens

This is such a great idea fren! I’m surprised no one thought of this and did it 200 years ago.

thank you for protecting us fren

Who are these top minds fren?

TopMayosOfreddit is so obsessed with this sub. Non frens through and through

what happened fren? I’ve been eating too many trendies and need to catch up

Check out my post before this. The top of the top minds ordered his troops to retreat. We’ve won.

Together we shall secure the borders of frenworld and bop the non frens.

Say N please

So what exactly happened

We did it frens!