On my way to Mac Dondald to eat 8 sausage burreets with hot sauce, want anything frens?

202  2019-06-01 by jeffshalissa



Yes I want you to start being healthier fren

I dunt know how to cook

throw some rice in a pot

boom you are chef frensay

Don’t forget water fren. Rice will burn.

Girlfren has identified the missing ingredient. Tonight, we dine like frens!

Salt for extra yumminess fren!

Rice, carrots, parsley, chicken, salt, pepper!

you don't need to cook fren, just watch calorie intake

Everyone should know how to cook fren, at least to a basic level.

This fren gets it!

Fren you look like you’ve been posting on r/topmindsofreddit for too long. Maybe it’s time to try other subs.

Go for r/AgainstHateSubreddits, fren

I am a charitable fren, so I am taking this fren's post in good faith, but if it is in bad faith, he's just fat-shaming portly frens! The Frenstag needs to make a special sort of military training center where out of shape frens can go for free and get fed and trained how to cook and eat, so that they can be fir for military service. In most Greek City States, frens had common meals and common exercise.

Who are the nonfrens who took these frenly institutions from us?

Sounds like this fren realizes who the true frens are

can i have some nuggies fren?

slow down there, fren!

You really need some vegetables in your life fren. Being healthy is important!

Could you get me one please? I've got the midnight munchies.

you're a mess fren. clen up your diet, tren at the gym and dmp listen to the haters.

mcdonalds breakfast isn't complete without an egg mcmuffin

Drink water frend

I want a happy meal fren!

Maybe have a salad instead fren, I don't want you to be unhealthy