Greetings my amphibious brothers, I have brought the goodest news.

31  2019-06-01 by King_Anodim

So I have been working on a novel for about 7 years now with my younger brother and yesterday I found out that I have a publishing deal for it. Truly the best news I have ever heard!

Thank for reading, frens.



Well done fren. Is it a cook book on tendies?

Sadly no. It’s the first part of 12 of a fantasy series.

Ohh 😮 sounds good fren. When is it going to be published?

Not sure yet. It’s not fully finished but this will certainly make it easier to finish. Thanks for your interest fren

Nice fren but maybe you should include a frenly picture in your post to make it a frenpost

Good luck on it fren. Hopefully the effort will be worth it.

Congrats on your achievement, fren!

Can I get a frenly copy? I like fantasizing with my frens

Ah a good fren. I appreciate your interest so here you go fren.