Frens never die

309  2019-06-01 by barrack_shoabama


Here's the story of r/frenworld

A sub both frenly and great

Free from all the nonfrens

and their vitriolic hate


This was much against the wishes

of certain Subreddits

Whose essays tried to break us down

To make us all repent


But we're all frenly

And we'll bop through thick and thin

We'll keep our sub a free sub

Stop the nonfrens coming in


We'll keep them north of r/politics

Till that shithole has run dry

And this frenly sub will prosper

For frens never die


They can send their little reports

And they can shout their words of hate

But the cost of keeping this sub frenly

Can never be too great


For our little frogs are bopping

For the sub that they hold dear

For frenworld and all it's helpers

Will never disappear


But we're all frenly

And we'll bop through thick and thin

We'll keep our sub a free sub

Stop the nonfrens coming in


We'll keep them north of r/politics

Till that shithole has run dry

And this frenly sub will prosper

For frens never die


We'll preserve this little sub

For our froglings froglings too

For once you're a fren

No other sub will do


We will stand tall in the sunshine

With the admins on our side

And if we have too bop alone

We'll bop alone with pride


Cuz we're all frenly

And we'll bop through thick and thin

We'll keep our sub a free sub

Stop the nonfrens coming in


We'll keep them north of r/politics

Till that shithole has run dry

And this frenly sub will prosper

For frens never die

Thats some nice poetry fren

This was much against the wishes

of certain Subreddits

We'll fight through thick and thin, we'll keep our sub a free sub and stop the enemy coming in!

This is one of my favorite songs

So good fren

I totally FAL for your post.

Don't be sad because it's gone.

Smile because it happened frens.

b-but it's not gone?!? r-right frens..?

We can rebuild

Looks like you super soaked yourself my fren

Looks like you super soaked yourself my fren

Rhodesian frens forever

Frenlous Scouts, all together.

bop floppies


Frenworldians never die.

you peed your pants, fren

War is scary fren :(

We're all Frendesians

Frens never die

Frens are missing in action