Now I understand why nonfrens are so unfrenly

46  2019-06-01 by ahora


Yikes. That’s why I believe in Jesus. He’s my Fren and savior. Why do non frens reject him so much?

Why do non frens reject him so much?

IDK but they love Muhumumu.

Reprobate is actually the perfect word to describe nonfrens.

Let's meme it

Very sad. Pray for them.

This is very true fren! Even in Catholic theofrenogy there are the reprobate(nonfrens) and the elect (frens). However, one thing is that we are forbidden to assume anyone will be forever a nonfren. Now yes, it could be likely, but we shouldn't ever say someone will be a nonfren forever. Some nonfrens can change and see the frenliness. So let's always keep the door open for them if any nonfren wants to change.

I myself know at points in my life I may have been unfrenly, and thank heavens I didn't become a nonfren myself! It doesn't mean we don't have to tell nonfrens what they're doing is unfrenly though. But we do it so that hopefully they'll become frenly :)

I'm sure for whatever nonfren who sees the light, they'll be so thankful that we were frenly to them!

I'm sure for whatever nonfren who sees the light, they'll be so thankful that we were frenly to them!

We can hope!

Let's meme it