
0  2019-05-31 by misreken

Just read some eye opening stuff about this sub. I am a fren no more.


what did you read fren?

A lot of comments of fucked up shit disguised by Fren language

Like what?

edgy memes on an edgy meme sub made you leave? that's confusing, fren

I am a fren no more.

Were u ever tho?

Exactly, if you didn’t see me as one then, obviously you’re not friendly

If I see all nonfrens, like u, as frens, then "Fren" loses all meaning.

Whatever man, I’m out

Nobody cares

did you know that 2% of the population has created the clown world all around you fren?

Fren, I see that you have used the r-word (retard) before. You realize to nonfrens, this is a slur on par with the n-word (nonfren) and you could be a notsee and punched too?

We just want to be frenly fren! Not everything has to fit in with what nonfrens want. They have the whole of reddit to themselves to spread their unfrenliness, why can't we just be frenly here? Anyways I hope you enjoyed your time here fren, and feel free to stop by again anytime :)

Yep, doge lore is a lot friendlier than this place

Well if that suits you better I hope you enjoy it fren. Not everyone likes doggo speak so it doesn't suit them. Take it easy fren! :)

Thanks man :) <3

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

Exactly, if you didn’t see me as one then, obviously you’re not friendly