One million thank-yous to the nonfrens who constantly took hours out of their day to post about this subreddit, we have grown to 55 thousand strong!

3388  2019-05-31 by FoxDieEeE


To the redditors who think its activism to spend 9 hours a day on reddit, thank you!

To the redditors who think an 9000 word essay on our subreddit will end racism, thank you!

To the hundreds of little-dicked chapos who come here every day asking to see a hog bigger than theirs thank-you!

To the topminds who destroyed their own subreddit to become a frenworld circlejerk, thank you!

To all the redditors in the world that think reddit is real or has any effect on anything, thank you most of all!

Thank you for your service fren


What exactly is going on, though?

I keep seeing posts about this sub.

its just a meme subreddit

extremely online leftist redditors think pepe is a hate symbol and frenworld has some trolls so the leftists get really riled up


No u


You bopped a non fren

Bop (my first post after lurking here, please ban me left subreddits)

Welcome fren!

Don't be afraid, you don't want to be a part of those subs anyway.

That’s mean.

...and it is hilarious! I don’t really go in for edgy humor, but watching non-frens get walked around with it is the bees knees! ...and they can’t fathom that they are the actual punchline.

extremely online

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Nonfrens try to compensate their lack of physical movement by being extremely online



Frog memes "endanger the lives of millions"???

There's no way you really believe that, you can't be that simple. Bop.

An extreme case of confirmation bias. Non-frens start with the pre-conceived notion that we're actually the non-frenly ones so they take any given post on here and spend hours examining every detail and searching for some hidden meaning that proves that were non-frenly so they can circlejerk about how frenly they think they are.

My guess is that they have no frens in real life so they spend every given minute on reddit trying to feel like they're doing important work by attempting to force everyone else to act in a way that they think is frenly.

To all the redditors in the world that think reddit is real or has any effect on anything, thank you most of all!

It's cute how many think Reddit has an effect. If even one million accounts were active, Reddit would be VERY different. Instead it's rare for any post on the most popular subreddits to get 100k votes, and they only get a few thousand comments max. Of that, many comments and especially votes are from bots.

To put this in perspective, the population of the US alone is 330 million.

It has an effect. Just a relatively small one.

For example, that little orange arrow can make my whole day because I feel like my opinion is appreciated!!!

We appreciate you, fren!

But at the same time, I could give a shit about downvotes depending on who they're from. If my frenemies give me downvotes its alright, can't win every battle. But if it's from my frens, well I feel hurt.

I like this. Good work fren

This is why Reddit sucks now. The bugmen brigade every good sub. Move to iFunny or Instagram, way better and you aren’t restricted by mods on what you can post.

Funnyjunk is open for business too

Funnyjunk has unironically became Tumblr 2.0 since tumblr got rid of NSFW content.

With less faggots though. Unless you encounter some of the left users but you’ll recognize them eventually with their faggoty lists

Not Instagram. You'll get the Zucc. I use it for my own social life (friend/family interactions) as well as a handful of meme accounts and celebrities I like, but you'll have almost as bad of a time as Twitter if you talk right wing politics.

I was lured here by some subreddits just as you describe! Go ferns! me luv greenery!



Well said fren

I love you mods 💕💕

Thank you fren.


Thanks so much frens.

Don't be underhanded unfrenly fren.

As always, thank U fren

Yay! More frens!

Always remember to stay frenly! If we become non frenly, that's how the non frens win :)

This is important. We must continue to kill them with kindness. But don't be afraid to bop a nonfren if the nonfren is too aggressive.

We need to revise how we kill them fren

Different threat levels call for different actions fren.

Protect fren from non fren

Kill them with frenlyness

No kill, only fren.

We fren them with frenlyness

Everyone is so frenly here


With out their help we could have never achieved our goal. I am so proud of this community!

Yay fren. Getting closer to solving the racism question

and hopefully the other questions too.

like why tf my pee red

Is prolly tomato juice fren. Stop eating ketchup for a while

there we go, its back to purple now. thx a lot fren

urinary tract infection, fren.

It's cherry flavor! My favorite is lemon.

Woohoo! Fren World Hug Squad is unbeatable!

50,000 word dissertations on frenworld arent enough, now they're crowd sourcing!

What is a dogwhistle in this context?

Simply breathing in a way they dont like fren.

An image/phrase that carries a meaning for its target audience that is not obvious to people outside the target audience. Not quite a secret code, but playing on the associations different groups have with specific words or pictures.


Fren, that sounds like the discredited belief in "authorial intent." Nobody learns that you analyze literature or art that way anymore. You don't ask the author what he "meant." Art is like a mirror: what it reflects depends who is looking at it.

God, I can’t imagine actually calling myself “anti-fascist” unironically. It’s the epitome of Twitter activism.

Saing your anti-fascist is like saying you enjoy pizza.


The post you reference has 2 updoots lol

-2 now! lol

The fuck is a crypto-fascist? Can I mine those with my computer?

"Everything I don't like is fascism." ~ the nonfrens

Feels good fren!

Im so glad that the nonfrens let us stand on their shoulders to reach the stars, they are the best kind of nonfrens, nonsmart

*only kind of nonfrens

1.6 million thank yous to the non frens we are now 75,000 members strong! Once again, 2.8 million thank yous to the non frens!

Surprised at how much frenworld has grown. I was here when there weren't even enough posts for a page


Those nonfrens are more frens than they know!

that's a lotta frens

I love you my frens.

triumph among diversity, fren

I just found this wonderful sub, people are so frenly!

Frenworld best world

i love all non frens except the ones with big noses

get out badfren

Lots of people have big noses. We shouldn't make them feel bad for it.

Subtlety is a frens’s motiff

so many frens!

I’ll make us some cold cereal to celebrate frens

Surely you mean tendies, fren. I'll put the oven on!

You look nice in that sweater fren :)

The weak should fear the strong fren

Yup top minds of reddit is what brought me here, frens. The foaming dogs there are just meanies, i guess...

Holy fuck, I was here since like 10K, incredible growth

People are actually trying to ban this subreddit frens, not very frenly. But we cant blane them frens, it's the fault of the unfrenly media and society. Stay strong frens.

Frens United

So many new frens ❤️

In all honesty, I joined this sub because I liked the “pepe/peepo” (I really only started seeing them in bulk when I joined discord and saw all the global emoji available). Most people here are great, but it’d be nice to not see the occasional posts about women being in the kitchen and to not bop baby frens.

Stay frenly, frens.

> child murderer doesn't want to see posts that remind him he supports child murder

Shocking, fren!

Lol I’m not a guy but ok

Like everything else on reddit just ignore the posts you don't like and move on

This fren pretends to be a fren, but is really a non-fren. Look at his un-frenly speek!

What is it with you guys thinking I’m a dude?

According to Rule #30 of the Internet, there are no girls on the internet.

55 thousand frens!! We're the popular kids!

So many new frens to enjoy

I feel really bad for the people that have no idea about the internet culture war happening on reddit for the last 7 years or so. I can imagine someone making a reddit account then immediately logging off when they see politics has seeped into every inch of reddit.

I got a new phone today from Hong Kong to make more frens 🥰🥰🥰

Thank you my fren, very cool

Feels crazy. That's almost as many people as my home town

I was subscribed to top minds before frenworld. It's like they do all of the work for me :)

I also love this bopping minefield!!

Born too late to join the crusades and retake the Holy Land from the infidels.

Born too early to explore the universe.

Born just in time to shitpost online using little green frogs, causing the eternal butthurt of the nonfrens.

What a beautiful time it is to be alive frens.

It's never too late for a crusade fren. Be the change you want to see.

Deus vult!



How do all these nonfrens have this much time to type a 10,000 word essay

I'm proud to be part of this community, frens!

Frens 👏🏻😘

I discovered this sub thanks to the tippity toppers. Hi frens :)

I remember being here at 3k. Look how we've grown frens.


I membee when I first met you frens... someone call everyone here a not-see. I said what proof. They said B(.... so I brought my tendies here to share with my friends and not with the not-sees and non-friends.

New frens

Honestly browsing r/all and seeing posts about this sub were the reason I came and had a look



Wow! I couldn’t even fit 55 thousand frens in my house!

Hello I am a new fren welcome

Thank you all frens

I met all my frens coming from those top minds and non frens against frenly reddits, it’s so funny how the non frens will think we’re all notsees from a fren joke

If it werent for r/topmindsofreddit i would have never found this wholesome community full of nice frens

You say 55000 but feels more like 6 million frens 🙂

The great Celery Stalker beams his green, bitter, nutritious light down upon us, frens.

For example, that little orange arrow can make my whole day because I feel like my opinion is appreciated!!!

Simply breathing in a way they dont like fren.

An image/phrase that carries a meaning for its target audience that is not obvious to people outside the target audience. Not quite a secret code, but playing on the associations different groups have with specific words or pictures.