things aren't looking good for me frens

91  2019-05-31 by OpenSVideoEditor


Sorry, fren :( but stick around please. We need more frenly people like you!


Keep your chin up fren, better day will come

Hang in there fren. All jokes aside, 8 years ago i wanted to die so bad due to a short but brutal burst of terrible life events, including a divorce, the death of a 23 year old sibling, etc. I was depressed and longed to drift off to sleep and never wake up. I was like this for 2 years. But eventually things got better and I met new people and today I am very glad to be here. I'm sure our situations aren't apples to apples, but do try to keep your chin up and know you have frens here.

I went through a rough patch a couple years ago. I had been rejected by another job, i was renting a room in a dilapidated house next to the projects, i was wasting away from being not having enough money to both pay rent/bills and eat enough, and as i walked up my stairs i saw the broken screen door hanging limply off the hinges, and i thought. ....

I may not be able to fix my life right now.... but i can at least fix that. So i fixed the door. And i didnt feel the need to drown in the cheap beer that the korean mart had on special that day.

Point is fren, when i felt out of control or helpless i did something i could control and could help. I cleaned the yard and planted a garden, sweating and doing something positive, and accomplishing a goal in order ro ward of the nihilistic numbness of my severe drinking problem.

It works. And it can be something as small as changing a light bulb that burned out. It will literally and figuratively illuninate your life.

That's a great story fren, thank you

Youre welcome fren

Clean your room works

aw please don’t rope, there’s a chance for things to get better

I feel like that lately, too. Just take it one day at a time, fren. Everything takes time.

Well that makes two of us, fren.

Keep punching fren.

plz no fren! we will miss you!