Frens of the world, please don't let them destroy your natural beauty!

379  2019-05-31 by ScuffedRomanReigns


But honkler doesn't wanna hurt frens


mixed is ugly. separate is beautiful

Land, resources and time. It's worth to think about some more, fren.

But fren, some of the most beautiful colors of the rainbow are a mix of others.

Separate but equal, fren. I miss the olde times

Coming to a white country near you.

and it's beautiful

Go away nonfren, you aren’t welcome!

Looking like you're not welcome now


Nah frenworld belongs to us

A world where frenworld belongs to the cringe anarchists or chapos is a terrible world to imagine.

Lol you're dumber than I thought? You think I'm left wing faggot?

You don’t seem very frenly at all

Posting furry porn like you do isn't frenly

It’s been a long time since I’ve done such a thing, and I’ve been frenly here for awhile but always lurked.

I'm glad you're trying to improve yourself as a person

Acting like a man is not easy, but it is necessary

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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Frenworld is a beautiful diverse place, and we should keep it that way!

dIvErSiTy Is OuR sTrEnGtH!!1!

I just mean we should have all different types of frens instead of mixing them all into one type of fren.

Why do you think so fren?

Because I like different types of frens, I want to be able to go visit them and experience their culture. But when I come back I would like to be with my own frens because those are the frens I like best.

Non frens call this a notsee dogwhistle but frens of all colours are in there :)

A seperate band for every colour keeps the rainbow bright

I love all of the colours, so pretty, fren. Every colour tells a story, and it's only by keeping the colours separated that we get to hear each and every beautiful story! If we mix them up, how can we hear anything?

Exactly! Seperate songs are beautiful in their own ways but playing them all at once just gets a fuzzy mess

Who could argue with such rock-solid science?

Different frens make the planet Anti-Fragile. Don't put all you little frens into one basket 🙂


Im literally trembling right now just thinking of all those poor frens going down the chute fren.

Why are these longnose pushing diversity in the west but not in their place, frens


Why are these longnose pushing diversity in the west but not in their place, frens

Why are these longnoses pushing diversity in the west but not in their place, frens

Why are these longnoses pushing diversity in the west but not in their place, frens

Oh this is... bad..

Ok so is there just no divide between frenworld and clownworld now? I thought frenworld was all about frens supporting frens but apperently both are calling for an ethnostate

I just mean we should have all different types of frens instead of mixing them all into one type of fren.