Tendies in moderation, frens, or you could end up....LIKE DIS!

508  2019-05-31 by SONNEN_RADICAL


I can do that when I hunch over, even at low bodyfat :p

Do you even lift fren?

I lift tendies up to my mouth all the time, fren

Already there, frens... feels bad, frens

It's never too late to change, plumpfren


Whats that fren

Am already there fren, im a little bit chubby now

That's the start of a healthy frame fren, I think the m'goodboys over r/tendies could show you the way.

Bloatmaxing is very important

I always eat in moderation, and excercise lots

Proud of you fren!

Everything in moderation... including moderation

You're sneaky fren ;)

Just building mass fren

It’s much easier to gain than it is to lose, frens.

Everyone knows a full grown healthy fren weighs 200kg

Me. Wah.