The Great Schism. 1054, colorized

318  2019-05-31 by SONNEN_RADICAL


I understood that reference.

I did not understand that reference.

In 1054 the eastern orthodox church and the catholic church split up for a bunch of different reasons. One of those was over the different ways of bread they used for ceremonies, the east used leavened bread, the west unleavened. BBQ and honey missy are different sauces you can use for tendies and thus could be a reason for dispute in the church of frenianity.

The memes are getting too obscure for me

I will decypher it to nonfren language fren:

Eastern Catholic church (calls themselves Orthodox, means "the real psth") splits with Western Catholic church because:

1-Othodox church forbids praying to Jesus statue and Orthodox church even broke religious statues during Iconoclasm Period. Because Orthodox church believes this is gateway to idol worshipping, instead they use icons and they are only for decoration.

2-Catholic church forbids marriage to priests while Orthodox church says "Marriage is what God wants from all believers".

3-Context of salvation is a bit different but i dont know too much about it

4-According to Catholic church, trinity is absolute and God is made of three different parts. Othodox Church says trinity is just symbolization to understand God's nature. Yes, Orthodox church velieves in trinity too but it thinks all three parts of God isnt independent from each other. And Nestorian sect of Othodox Church doesnt belirves in trinity.

Woah you know fucking basic European history do you want a cookie fren? Fuck they even mention it in Kingdom cummies.

Literally all you have to do is wonder hmmmm, der's Catholics ova hurr and der's Orthodox ova hurr, I wonda why masta? Then fuckin look it up.

Then there you are sitting on your throne of "le epic obscure knowledge" fucking jerking off whilst you type "I getit guys!"

This is not proper fren etiquette, fren.

Honey mussy gang rise up

Im here fren


Honey mussy gang rise 🦀🦀🦀

And the profligates used Ketchup

Can I get the sauce?

Oriental Orthodox: Sweet and Sour

Protestants: hot water.

Mormons: toothpaste

me on the side of eastern orthodoxy even though we've all got bigger VERY unfrenly problems these days...

In 1054 the eastern orthodox church and the catholic church split up for a bunch of different reasons. One of those was over the different ways of bread they used for ceremonies, the east used leavened bread, the west unleavened. BBQ and honey missy are different sauces you can use for tendies and thus could be a reason for dispute in the church of frenianity.

I will decypher it to nonfren language fren:

Eastern Catholic church (calls themselves Orthodox, means "the real psth") splits with Western Catholic church because:

1-Othodox church forbids praying to Jesus statue and Orthodox church even broke religious statues during Iconoclasm Period. Because Orthodox church believes this is gateway to idol worshipping, instead they use icons and they are only for decoration.

2-Catholic church forbids marriage to priests while Orthodox church says "Marriage is what God wants from all believers".

3-Context of salvation is a bit different but i dont know too much about it

4-According to Catholic church, trinity is absolute and God is made of three different parts. Othodox Church says trinity is just symbolization to understand God's nature. Yes, Orthodox church velieves in trinity too but it thinks all three parts of God isnt independent from each other. And Nestorian sect of Othodox Church doesnt belirves in trinity.