Frens I’m tired of Vox

590  2019-05-31 by ForumPolice


To save all you other frens a visit to that awful website of lies, yes, that article IS real. It's someone trying very, very hard to read between the lines.

The key part there, just for emphasis, was “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.” In other words, “the Kremlin tried to help me win, but I didn’t coordinate with them.”

God bless you for reading that terrible article, son.

Anything for the betterment of fren and frenkind. The loss of iq points was worth the risk.

They didn't try to help him get elected though, or at least there is 0 evidence of that. They simply sowed discord and riled up both sides, both sides having fake news generated and spread (granted a relatively small amount for both sides) through ad campaigns on Facebook. Multiple Russian "ex-secret agents" supposedly started the unverifiable rumors of the Steele-dossier.

Trump just frequently words things in a way that can be true (they did help him get elected, just as they equally tried to get Clinton elected,) and can also be false at the same time.

there is a metric fuck ton of evidence that they intervened to support donald trump’s campaign over hillary clinton’s. have you read the mueller report? 200+ russians were indicted for election interference. the debate is in whether or not he would have won without the support.

Me too fren

So when Hussein Obongo said "It's absolutely right that John McCain has not brought up my muslim faith" libtards now accept that his was admitting he is a muslim?

Nice to see them finally catch up

Mental gymanstic's of the highest degree.

How? By POTUS saying he wasn't participated in the help, he says that there was help... or am I getting something wrong?

John Podesta gives away his password to a Russian who emailed him

"That means Trump is guilty of treason!"

Sheldon Adelson gives Trump and other Republican politicians millions of dollars while publicly declaring he is only doing so so that they'll advocate for a pro-Israeli agenda

"You're a not-see for even implying there's something wrong with that!"

I didn't say Trump committed treason. Simply from how he worded it, he'd admit to foreign election interference, right?

Trump said Russia meddled in the election 2 years ago

These headlines are acting like Trump is saying something new, or that he is confessing to have colluded with Russia.

top mind logic

its sad this is not really ironic or exaggerated. i wouldnt be surprised if there were a topminds post of this.

As we speak, the nonfren Latino twink that does their """informative videos""" is trying to get Steve-fren Crowder's channel taken down... for daring to refute his awful video about how "all cable news is conservative!" (LOL)...

Keep in mind he's complaining about this while at the same time literally photoshopping people at Fox News with demonic red eyes in the very video in question. Vox also received a 200 million dollar investment from NBC, and they're pretending they're "under attack" from this guy with an independent YouTube channel... I am so sick of these nonfren hypocrites.

Crowder is not a fren but neither are the others

I remember that disgusting little creature.

Steven crowder has always been a conservacuck normie who is too afraid to show his true power levels

This guy has a look that screams HIV positive.

Collusion and interference are two very different things. MSM likes blurring the line between the two. I’m not pro Trump. I find it really annoying this “Russia Russia Russia” narrative has to continue, though. Just goes to show how little they have to run on.

It must be fun getting paid to be that shit at your job

I hate that dude. He is the opposite of a man

I hope that unfrenly trash get gawked.

BOP that nonfren.

Even Vox acknowledges that their readers are brainless twats who only read the titles.

why like frentrump when he likes (((nonfrens)))?

idk, but MIGA🇺🇲🇮🇱

With nuclear bombs?

Vox isn't being frenly

According to that article, and ew was that article confusing and disgusting, the Russians attempted to get Trump elected of their own accord even though Trump didn't want their help, so when Trump won it was still somehow all his idea and the whole thing was a conspiracy.

Can I have some disinfectant for my brain? I'll take bleach if I have to.

'i had nothing to do with Bigfoot killing JFK'



How? By POTUS saying he wasn't participated in the help, he says that there was help... or am I getting something wrong?