Frens, what can we do against such hatred?

15  2019-05-31 by Bannerlord-when


This is sad my fren, we can’t stop them, but we can try!!!! Rise up frens!

They are openly advocating frenocide.

They want us to cease to exist.

That's not very frenly, but, then, if they were frenly, they'd be frens, but they're not, so they aren't.

If frenworld doesn't let in non-frens, its subreddit cannot survive.

We cannot survive unless we admit people who want to frenocide us?

Fren, I like to trust frens and think they have good intentions, but if it is a nonfren, can you trust it? Does it even know what "trust" means, or is trust something frens have that nonfrens can never have because their souls don't trust properly?

Diversity is our strength ™

Exactly, it is current year after all


Come back to us current year bot