Daily reminder to stay hydrated

392  2019-05-31 by ScuffedRomanReigns


I was thirsty, then I drank water.

Thx water.



R they real subs?


waterniggas was a real sub but it got bopped.

But frens, they are putting stuff in the water to turn us GAY!

Don’t drink estrogen tap water or you’ll end up like a chapocel, fren

Moar birth control plz

Yes, good froggie. Your free water is no good. Buy Mr. Schneider's fancy bottled spring water. Its the only way to be sure you aren't being poisoned

Water > Sips

Thank you fren :)

i only drink milk 💪

🥛 👌

r/hydrohomies vs r/neverbrokeabone

Alt Rights fetish with being hydrated.

being healthy

“OmG, ThE AlT-RiGhTeRs aRe aT iT AgAiN!!!”

freaking not sees man

R they real subs?