Failed more exams frens, need some love. See attached pic of me during said exams

33  2019-05-31 by rivisravis


Sorry to hear that fren :( Exams can be tough! I guess after some time try and look back and see what you could have done differently so that you'd have more time to prepare or stuff like that so next time you can pass and be extra frenly! These things happen fren

Thank you fren

Failure is a learning experience fren. Learn how you failed, and learn how to not do it again, and if you do it again, learn how you failed that time as well, and don't do it again, and do this process ad infinitum, and then you'll be a professional at not failing.

Yaa I have learned my lesson. Need to hunker down and study fren

Always try to do your best frens, you'll make it next time!