I installed Loonix frens

78  2019-05-31 by Crinergy


Loonix bad. Use Mac or Windows.


no u


no u

install gentoo


no u

I want to install Loonix too fren! Maybe I will get around to it soon, I'm thinking of debian, what do you think?

i've been using ubuntu with i3wm, very comfy. arch spooks me.

Fren if you're spooked by arch try Manjaro! Very beginner frenly!

if i need another OS i'll bit the bullet and install arch, but i don't feel like i'm missing anything so i wont bother. thanks for the tip fren!

Hi Fren! i'm learning loonix too! i recommend getting a cheap raspberry pi so that you can have a functioning computer to use for information research while you are playing in your new loonix sandbox

That's a great idea fren! I've been curious about playing with a raspberry pi and that seems like a good use for it. Thanks for the idea fren :)

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