Hey frens! What kind of sauce do you like on your tendies? Buffalo for me plz!

34  2019-05-31 by Anon14526


I like sweet baby rays bbq mixed with tabasco habanero sauce :3

Sweet baby rays is good, but I prefer a whisky or bourbon bbq. On tendies though mostly hunny mussy for me, but variety is best.

Oh wow tabasco habanero is great fren! It really has a kick to it :)

Buffalo but not too spicy.


Buffalo the best fren

Honey mustard 🍯

sadly frens I cannot eat tendies they have milk in :( but bbq sauce is my choice

Are you lactose intolerant fren? Have you tried making some home made tendies? They're great!

sadly I am fren. I do make homemade tendies that fast great

Practice makes perfect fren! I think you can make a bunch before hand and freeze them too so you can pop them in the oven when you want tendies :)

This fren is smart! Just freeze your tendies for later! That way you don’t have to do a lot of stuff for every single tendie sesh!!

Spicy Mustard

Honny mussy of course fren!

I didnt know sweet baby rays had buffalo sauce thanks for letting me know fren

Personally im a polynesian sauce guy or sweet n sour

Sweet baby ray makes really good buffalo!

Frank's red hot buffalo, fren!

Came here to say dis. Or Boss Sauce.

I have a 5lt bottle. Sometimes I just have it on corn chips.

hunny mussy or slightly spicy buffalo for me pls

Boom Boom sauce is my all time fave