frens, what did I do wrong? I tried to give the blue hair ladyfren a nice note and she called me a not see and said I should die. Doesn't she know I'm a fren of blindness?

151  2019-05-31 by Commancer


She is fake fren ignore her

She's not a fren. 🙃


Can you not smell her fren?

Blue hair lady smells like more than 5 cats and has wine breath at work.

you should switch glasses, i saw a movie about a man with glasses that helped him to see, then he took off the glasses and he couldn't see anymore. you give her your glasses, maybe she will be able to read your nice note properly.

no frens hate the dissabled

Aw that note is adorable fren. You deserve a nice frenly lady fren :) Blue hair lady seems like the independent type who don't need no fren anyways!

Blue hair lady smells like more than 5 cats and has wine breath at work.

How the frick u kno she got blue hair if you're blind fren?

Oh wait you can't read this anyway, sorry fren

r/TopMindsofreddit hate the disabled confirmed ♿

she is a fake bleu, because i see from a mile that's dye.