Frens, I made a list of all the places where gommunism and collectivism has ever worked. Here, let me show you.

7  2019-05-31 by SONNEN_RADICAL



The non-frens are going to think you used invisible ink fren

Oh, so the ink matches the gommies food then?

I don't know fren, you sound like a certain doctor that likes to tell me how to clean my weenie. He also says collectivism is bad, but I don't think he knows what it really means.

Am not Dr. Peterstein, fren, and I never listened to his boomerisms either. I never needed a cyber-daddy because my real one stuck around.

As if a University (From noun universus (“all turned into one”), from uni- (“one”), + versus (“turned”), perfect passive participle of vertō, vertere (“turn”). ) isn't a collective.

Very impressive, Fren.

F A Hayek, an econofren said that under the USSR's system there was actually worse wealth inequality than in USA, after USSR was up and running. Socialism is just a criminal system for transferring wealth from frens to the Party Nonfrens. It appeals to people who are either hereditarily defective or who have been confused by nonfren lies.

Here fren, I will also make a list of places where gommunism did not always and inevitably lead to the establishment of a oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies:


Fren I can't think of any...

It is difficult to think of a system more oppressive than one that tends to get off the ground by ritually slaughtering everyone who is opposed. Sounds like a very bad sort of religion masquerading as legitimate political philosophy.