Imagine being mad at grown men and women who pretend to be little green frog frens on the internet just to have someone to talk to, these nonfrens need to stop

232  2019-05-30 by FederalTradition


Imagine spending your time on the internet writing dissertations about frens! Very unfrenly and not very logical either.

On the bright side we get to live rent free in the top minds!

no frens are dumb dumb

I'm a young fren but it still makes me mad

They hate us cause they ain't us. #frenship

Frenship will save the world! :)

They hate us cause I they anus.

Well said fren. Everyone needs a fren.

You can never have enough frens! Talking to frens makes the night shift more bearable!

Who’s pretending fren?

non frens aint no thang but a chicken wing

Wait, you frens AREN'T little green frogs?


at least we have each other, frens

They will learn, fren. The more they talk, the more frens will realize