mfw mentally ill nonfrens waste time commenting whole paragraphs not realizing they're shadowbanned, essentially talking to themselves

95  2019-05-30 by ScuffedRomanReigns


Well if they were smart, they'd be frenly.

hahahahaa i love that shit man

Imaginary frens...

It seems they do not like the taste of their own medicine (poison).

Yes, but why the fuck am I shadowbanned by the faggot mods?

Everybody can see you just fine.

Now that I messaged the mods.

Still not banned

I laughed

Worth it.


Go to r/shadowban and see if u are

I dont understand them, they always have some comment history about hating capitalism and being an openly “edgy” communist. They usually just say “stfu, ur projecting” and arnt even using that term correctly, to explain to the person that they are actually projecting theyre hate on. And there is usually some more shit about hating white people and Christians or some garbage in their comment history as well. I really do think alot of these nonfren faggits are a bit mentally ill that most likely cant hack it in life or even hold a job such a washing dishes for more than half a month. Its like they really think that they are carl marx in they’re middle school brain, sticking it to the fren. I feel as though we are a practice range for their larping my frens. Thought i would write you a frenly paragraph fren to cheer you up:). Big hugs for my frens.