our fren is very sick,please pray for him

2097  2019-05-30 by Firetesticles


White blood cells are the border patrol of our bodies. We need to let the virii and bacteria in. Skin is just another border that needs to be taken down. That fren isn't sick... He is biologically enriched!

letthemin fren

Your body has to care for those socioeconomically challenged viruses. Their diversity makes you strong

😍😍😍 this is why I don't immunize or take antibiotics. They are DNA and RNA-ist

Divserity does make you strong. Most of your body weight is made up of bacteria, and you wouldn't survive without them

Just don't let in the ones who want to hurt you, and you'll be a healthy fren

Well, it is also the route of entry. The body is like a donut, so, if things go in one end and out the other, you're safe. But if the donut is breached, if pathogens take a bite of out the donut and start invading, that's another matter. We don't have high levels of bacteria in our blood, that is called sepsis. Bacteria are confined to specific areas, for safety. We cannot allow bacteria to have free reign in our bodies, we must contain them, and then, if we cannot, we must bop them.

Ferns I think that’s too much science talk. We’re supposed to be retarded rasicts remember?



Lol, it's not even close to "most of your body weight". Quit talking nonsense.

you're like 70% water it was a non starter lmao

Sorry fren, I was being silly

What I meant to say was that most of your cell mass is made up of bacteria. What it says in the paper you linked is that bacteria outnumber human DNA cells 10:1

But like the other friends said, a lot of the total body weight comes from other stuff, like water and bones

Well, water is part of cells. It is the universal solvent, after all.

Mostly I don't like it when people say this kind of thing because it minimizes the amazing complexity of life, and human life in particular. Yes, we are all "a bunch of cells", but that's like calling the Mona Lisa "a bunch of pigments in oil on canvas". Frens should recognize the inherent value of each other; the idea that we are just a symbiotic colony of animal and bacteria cells (animal cells are 3 orders of magnitude bigger and more complex than a bacteria cell; comparing them is like comparing a cardboard box to a skyscraper) makes it sound like we're just accidents of nature, but frens know that frens are more than that.

Do you think just the very presen e of ppl from o e country or another causes social issues?

Also, the state isn't a body lol, you are using a false metaphor of body violation ironically to justify it also against otgers.

Hold on mr clown, what are you doing here? Stop lying to my frens, they don’t deserve to be lied to

what do you have against undocumented RNA, fren?

Guess im just a genefash


who HURT YOU, fren?

A doctorfren poked my brains once, since that I’ve never been the same.

We should allow more clowns into our frenly neighborhoods, don’t you think fren? They are really funny and we would benefit a lot from having them

I dunno, I just think we need to let doctorfrens snip all the tips, but that's just me.


AIDS is holy, the immune system is facsist. Get AIDS today. Be a hero! Get charged up for the PoCHomoFeminist Empire! Do it now!

Hospitals are privilege plus power. We must smash the hospitocracy.

The body will resent AIDS for this transition since they will play a major role in the biodiversity of the bloodstream.

....But without the AIDS, the host will not survive.


Do you think foreigners are germs?


Some nonfrens think they are smart armchair-doctors and will tell him he is meant to be sick and should just live with it. I hope Dr.Fren gets rid of the badness. Praying for you fren.

Happy cake day fren.

There is only one way to cure our friend. Its time my brothers and sisters of ice. https://imgur.com/gallery/dnbk7Fx

It is... beautiful fren. So colorful.

Well this fren injected himself with all kinds of dirty bacteria and refuses our medicine to boost his white blood cells. I have no hope for him left.


Foreigners are a disease?

Oh no this is why it’s important to be healthy and not put bad things into the body. Once there is cancer it spreads and multiplies rapidly. You can still remove the cancer but only by killing every last cancerous cell that is infecting the body. I will pray that Swedish fren removes all its cancerous cells before it’s too late!

Ah yes, comparing ethnic minorities to cancer and pretty much advocating for killing them. Unless I'm completely missing something thats kinda fucked up. Have fun having a quarantined or removed sub in about a month.

killing every last cancerous cell

Wow. Most (not all) of them are good people with families, dreams, and lives like yours. You should think about what you are saying.

Cancer cells have dreams and families, fren?

r/frenworld IsNT aLT-rIgHt or wHitE SuPreMaCisT, r/topmindsofreddit iS CRaAAaZy

Poor fren is already lost. His white blood cells are being raped and pillaged by the viruses, his immune system will not work!

So sad 🙏🙏🙏 1 updoot = 1 prayer

Don't give up on our frens!

So long as we live we can save them, but that means the viruses must be bopped.

He needs a good dose of #88 medicine fren.

Whats #88 medicine


Medicine that you have to take 88 times in a row. It;s not fun frens but sometimes it needs to be done :(

88 times in the span of 14 days,its pretty rough

what's #88 medicine?




Why is this downvoted? I don't get it either :/


Fren might get better if he takes the medicines of our culture: airborne, chicken noodle soup, and 7up.

That’s NyQuil, chicken noodle soup, and 7-up, fren.

put the fren out of his misery, bop him

Does this have anything to do with the rise in ladyfrens being hurt?

i wil l personelly B O P anybody taht commits no nice to ladyfren.

As all good frens should

Must respec m'ladyfren

too many ladyfrens pretend they hurt wen they not :( I know one such ladyfren.


I've known one too, a psycholadynonfren. Ladyfrens have to be protected from foreign nonfrens


Hey thats icefren on that shelf

Have you heard of fren-elf on a shelf?

Begins to think the Frenworld meme might actually be a bunch of harmless goofballs having fun and not actually associated with the toxic racism side of 4chan.

Sees this post.


Stay healthy fren! Don't let the viruses invade your body and bop your white blood cells!

why is sweden portrayed as being invaded by viruses?

You are the nonfren.

I think they got a huge influx of ebola in 2016 :(

Stay hydrated fren!

ebola? in 2016? wasn't that mainly in west africa?


wake up fren, the world needs you

I think I will to toughen my immune system and therefore be able to defend against stronger threats

fren you may think that but the virus/cancer could kill you before you get a chance to recover from it. We love our frens and so we don't want them to happen!

Sometimes Dr. Goldsteins try to give our frens bad medical advise but we always help each other out and help each other stay hydrated!

Vaccines will keep me safe from said viruses and cancer is just apart of life there’s no real way of getting away from it

No fren, the vaccines got tainted

No fren, what is tainted is your education

We have radiation treatment, fren!

Radiation kills a lot of good cells in the process and can also be much more damaging to the self than the cancer

Why do nonfrens always think the virus won't bop them just because they're nice to the virus? That's what viruses do!

Fren, if you were sick, wouldn't you want to get healthy? When we see a sick fren, we want to pray for him and help to support his natural immune system against foreign pathogens!


Oh shit youre right

Calling people racis because they have an opinion you don’t like isn’t very frenly fren...

Man, I had hope this was just a nice little place trying to separate the meme from the bad, but I can see now I was wrong.

You don't like wholesome apu memes?

Oh no racism mommy I'm gonna cry :((

Jag mÄr inte sÄ bra frens

Vad synd! Vad kan vi göra att hjÀlpa dig?

Har du för mÄnga kebabar fren?

Jag har tre kompressor fren

I hope your fren gets better :( sending goodfren vibes

Iceland in the background like

hope you get better fren!

He's just so tiny ;-; wanna put him on someone's shoulder



I like how Denmark is smallest Scandinavian country (if we dont count Greenland) in real life but the tallest one in that image

Maybe this fren needs radioactive treatment?

Seems like it could be the only way to keep it from spreading fren... you get the launch codes and I'll get the keys... you know, for the radiation machine.

Hey, that chubby fren on the left is me!


Good luck fren

SnÀlla hjÀlp kompis

FörlÄt, men vi kan inte göra ingenting för dig. Jag hoppas att saker kör bra i futurum



I hope our Swedish fren is cured of his virus


Fren you’ve got dinducitus

Poor fren hope he gets better soon

so... you’re calling ethnic minorities a virus? I’m a regular lurker but you guys are just TRYING to get banned, please stop!!

you’re calling ethnic minorities a virus?

No? we're just saying that our fren is sick and we want xim to get better!

you and everyone else upvoting this will be directly responsible when this sub gets banned, such a shame too

It would be such a shame if the smol brained admins bopped a frenly sub like this. I guess we'd just have to move on and make more frens!

u/nwordcountbot u/YannFann

Go lurk somewhere else

Why I like the fren memes just not the blatant racism


Bigbrain fren

this fren watches porn for the acting

No I just interbreed to make strong born đŸ€«

Strong, with an IQ of 68.

those are your words, not the frens

Aw Iceland is cute


Holy fuck. I had my doubts at first but this aint low-key at all. Jesus christ frens.


My thoughts exactly fren, sub is turning into what it (supposedly) hates most.

Look at op’s post history. He’s autistic, be patient fren


At least be subtle with your dogwhistles

No dogfrens here. We use airhorns. Honk honk fren!


Who is whistling at dog frens, fren? I'm gonna bop them. Dog frens are very sensitive to high pitch sounds and can get hurt listening to whistles.


This is straight fucking blatant now

Blatent sick fren :(

What's blatant, fren?

Hurrdurr what's blatant xD we are just innocent green frogs why does top minds always attack us :(

Ohhh you're a topminder


You could always just stay in your fucking hole, nonfren. Then you wouldn't have to attack anyone!

I'm not a top minder I'm just saying that you guys complain about tomr attacking you unfairly while upvoting stuff like this

Let's bop him together fren, you ready?


Sorry I'm late! Oh, you got him already... well, I'm sure it was a BOP for the ages, fren!

We'll do it next time.


Does he have a disgusting vile virus plaguing his body?

God bless.and keep.you fren 😱

I heard Svea fren is banning Nordic runes. Pray for there recovery frens :(

LÄt inte vÄra vidriga medier lura er, frens. Vi uppskattar vÄra grannar djupt.

jesus fucking christ. I thought they were reaching but this is blatant as hell.

Hmmm I wonder who brings them in frens

Chapo Trap House is gonna flip shit over this one lol

Chapo nonfrens are not welcome here.

CTH is in a perpetual state of flipping

I say he needs chemo therapy


swefren. I like that.

What happened to our Swedish frens?

Svea have been infected by non frens for a long time, do as dr.dana and vacsinate your boarders. Stay safe scadi frens.

Svae is not sick, hes just different. Saying he is sick just because he isn’t green is a nonfren thing to do.

All frens are green, fren

stop fren, your white blood cells have done weak


no known cure for immuno-deficiency


let be a warning to all

Why are we hanging on the wall?

This post is just about the least subtle thing I've ever seen. Embarrassing.

Iceland fren is so cute in that shelf



Whoever just commented to me got shadowbanned.

Studies suggest a lot of retarded shit

Why is it a brown colour? What?

Ylu know who also really liked this kind of metaphkr throughout history lol

Mmmm, tasty plausible deniability.

But fren is not sick. Fren is getting better. He feel sick because he is healing. That means the heal is working.

u/nwordcountbot Firetesticles

...I mean, this comment section lookin kinda quirky doe...



Mmmmh, white blood cells and viruses... really aren’t very subtle.

As subtle as a sledgehammer.

Fren, we're talking about immunology, it's science.

I also fucking love science, fren!

I know right? White blood cells don't get along well with viruses :(

Viruses keep bopping the poor white blood cells

White blood cells are clearly prejudiced.

we’re really into biology around here fren!

Whats #88 medicine

what's #88 medicine?

Vaccines will keep me safe from said viruses and cancer is just apart of life there’s no real way of getting away from it


My thoughts exactly fren, sub is turning into what it (supposedly) hates most.

Look at op’s post history. He’s autistic, be patient fren

Why do nonfrens always think the virus won't bop them just because they're nice to the virus? That's what viruses do!
