I need your help...

82  2019-05-30 by Hp_Desk_Jet


You have my keyboard, fren

I’m here for u fren


We should build a wall to keep all the non-frens out of frenworld.

If we bop the non frend disguised as frens, then we won’t need a wall, all we need it more mods, and more moderation.

But what about the non-frens who changed We should stay true to the fren name by being frenly

You’ve come to right place, fren!

Of course I'll help you fren! Les make frenworld great again!

what do you need help with fren?


Kill urself

u/nwordcountbot u/cookedlikeacookie

u/nwordcountbot u/PopeWalrus

Stop, no spam bots here.

its not a spam bot, it tells me very important info.

u/nwordcountbot u/armaliteisforlovers

B o p

Bop yourself, nonfren.