Ew! A snickers! We need to get rid of them.

14  2019-05-30 by Fenoso


Twix is where it’s at 😎

Milky bar only for me Fren.


Twix gang rise up

Snickers make up 13% of all candy bar sales, yet are responsible for over 50% of all cases of diabetes.

Worrying statistic fren! Why are we allowing snickers in our candy aisles?

This is an unfrienly post with hidden racial meanings and slurs.

Do not give in to the temptation of the not-see agenda. All candy bars are frens... be they snickers or milky-way.

What's unfrenly? Can't we talk about our favourite candy without non-frens claiming its a notsee agenda?

How dare you accuse me of being a non-fren, fren!?

That really hurtes my feelings :(

I wasn't fren! Just discussing the non-frens :)

Okay fren x

I feel like equality for all candy bars should be a goal we all strive to.

Maybe snickers are considered the worst of the worst, fren. Peanuts are not frenly to my non-existent allergy

I start to get tired of this. Why everytime I see a "fren" tell frens of mine what they can or can not do they turn out to be topmind posters?

Snickers are unironically awful, it's only good if you want a sugar dump

Even though snickers don’t taste as good as other candies, they still get free shelf space at stores (more than other candies do). Makes you wonder πŸ€”



Dark chocolate 🍫 yucky frens.

dark chocolate is good for your health

I prefer milk chocolate fren


Some snickers are okay , some aren’t .

Edit : *most

Haha this made me snigger

I like bournnvile