Frens! I found these cool heat seeking glasses! They’ll help me find the nonfrens i think and then after we bop them we can finally be left in peace to be frenly!

18  2019-05-30 by Anon14526


Fren, that is very handy, to carry two tic tac toe boards with you.

It’s in case i meet new frens who want to play with me! Frens always hope for the frenlier but prepare for the frenliest.

Nonfrens can't call you a not see with those fancy glasses fren.

Exactly! I can see everything, and they’re all pretty colors, red on the outside, but for some reason blue where their head and their heart are. Kind of weird but whatever.

They should really get a snazzy coat just like yours and maybe they won't be so cold.

Maybe we should donate them some and then they’ll like us more?

maybe one day they will like us and become frenly too, i gave a nonfren a FRENHUG , they seemed to like it, but then they went back to being a nonfren.