What kind of fren are you fren?

58  2019-05-30 by ufoguy33


Good question fren! I don't feel like any of those frens accurately graps what I think is good. I think that people should be socially frenly but money wise we shouldn't be able to large about of unfrienly compound interest, known as usury! Nonfrens usually practice this and it's very unfrenly and destroys society, and makes everyone unfrenly! But I do believe that frens have the right to own property like land or a farm or a company! So I don't think I fit into any of those. I just call it the frenly way :)

Why do (((non-frens))) want to destroy society fren?

Nice try non fren

Well only one of us has posted on topminds.

You are glowing!

summed up pretty well

The coolest Fren! I’ll let you decide who that is...

Fren, I am pretty sure we live in the world, not a cartesian plane. The world is more complex than math.

Fren, what if we put it in something like Google Earth because the world is not a flat plane.

The world is math, Fren. You just don’t know how to apply it.

I mean, I don’t blame you, it’s hard to find places for things like imaginary numbers or parametric graphs.

I didn't deny the existence of math, but math is mathesis, learning. The way modern math is formally structured is that you stipulate certain symbolic rules, then you define how those rules lead to further symbols---the idea of some "natural axioms of arithmetic" is not believed by many mathematicians. Is there one or many is an ancient philosophical question, and the answer is not determined by math.

I am not knocking math, but we live in the world, not in a math problem.

Greeks divided mental experience, according to Heidegger into roughly three types: physis, mathesis and poesis. Physis is things as they reveal themselves to us, poesis is things as they are revealed by the art of man, and mathesis is things revealed by learning. We don't learn that water flows downhill, water reveals to us that it flows downhill. We have to learn how to measure the water, tho. And my view is that what unites water is a poetic conception of water---can you ever step into the same river twice?

I am not knocking math, it is a tool in the toolbelt.

It is, I just say the world’s math because almost everything physical involves math. It’s not all math, by no means, but there’s more than what the eye would show. Gravity has quite a bit of math to it, believe it or not. It’s really intertwined to a really absurd degree.

Also you can step in the same river twice if you step out and back in. Poesis is for things like politics, morality, and other abstract shit that pseudointellectuals like me have a hard-on for

Math is how we model it, but gravity is not math, gravity is physis, not mathesis, we have laerned to model gravity, but gravity reveals itself to us in our falling down if we are unsupported, we don't learn that in the sense we learn math, it's not that it's easy to learn that you fall down if unsupported, harder to learn integral calculus, they are not all just different species of "math" (learning), math is one species of revealing, but poesis and physis are, too.

Anyway, I would say math is abstract---it's an abstract way of modelling the concrete revelation of physis. If we use a fast camera to study the distance a ball falls through the air, by measuring the distance between the balls in successive exposures, we observing a physical revelation, and math is how we calculate the velocity, etc. from the succesives deltas.

This reminds me of a quote by one of our top frens from last century Frenius Frenola:

Non-frens are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom 'I think, therefore I am.' They do not think, yet they are.

These are sum big words fren but the 2 on the left look very scary

I like the top right one, it has a very cool suit

Bottom left not scary fren, he just want to eat tendies and listen to music.

Sorry fren he looks like he’s lazy, we work for out tendies

Is OK fren, he work in dispensary to earn his tendies.

I wan be everybody's best fren

Topleft: Fren who believes in sharing and caring or you’ll be put to sleep

Topright: Fren who believes in heart, one’s past, and baking and are the reason why the TopMinds want our asses

Bottomleft: Very Frenly Fren who takes it slow and steady and can’t notice Shrek singing All Star in fucking earrape

Bottomright: Fren who lets it be and works for his goals and is probably laughing at the rest of the motherfucking clown world

Seems like the bottom right could afford to buy a cool hat like all the other frens.

I am ganjafren!

Smonk wade!

As far away from top left as I can fren.

Bottom right fren! I want all frens to be free to do what makes them happy!

Top left fren

I feel like right side frens but I always get left side autho fren in test results :(

Bottom right fren.

Me on the far right.

your windmills of frenship look wrong fren