I know how to draw a spwaider!

0  2019-05-29 by ahora


I like spiders, fren! Did you know even though lots of people are afraid of them, they can help with all sorts of household pests? It's true, fren!

Agreed! They are like a natural pesticide.

Don't judge me so hard. I'm trying to be accepted in an art school. I want a final solution to my lack of purpose in life.

It reminds me of the ancient symbol of friendship and tolerance from some Asian religions.

Thanks for making my day fren.

Don't take it too hard if you aren't accepted, I think your art style would be better for architectural drawings than art school.

Fren, art school is full of degenerates who don’t appreciate real art. Your talents would be wasted there. Maybe you should write a book and do public speaking instead

Amazing Idea! Maybe I can join a group of people who think like me.

I’d like to join your movement. Maybe I can be your Minister of Fren Information

Scary Spider fren, SS for short


spiders have 8 legs not four silly fren

Maybe it is a transabled spwaider, fren.

true think of the transabled spwaiders frens

Like, you could try to be subtle

How else can we feed the nonfrens the validation they desperately crave


The spider looks hungry fren. It would be better if we let the allied frens box him in at the frenbunker.

Well drawn fren! Did you know that SpiderS are really misunderstood? People hate them and bop them but they help bop all sorts of nastier insects around the house which are much worse!

Fren this looks a lot like something a huge non fren used as his logo, you shouldn't promote something so unfrienly :((

seems a liitle unfriendly, come back after tea time