Let's take a moment to remember one of the frenliest of all people! He helped bridge a divide so that people of all colors could unite and be frenly together in America :)

6  2019-05-29 by alakazam2019


Despite being 2% of the Reddit Community, frens world contributes 40% of frenly content

"International Association for the Advancement of Pussy-Eaters"

Martin Luther king Jr

Yes... on the surface he seems frenly but look a little bit and he’s not. ;(

He watched someone get raped too :(


He Plagiarized a third of his dissertation which isn't very frenly.

Idk he doesn't seem so frenly. He hurt a lot of people around him. I think Malcolm X is a good fren and he tried to advance culture and identity for blacks which should be applied to all cultures and races :)