Look at this supercool Halloween costume i found at yard sale

13  2019-05-29 by Fatetheverycooldude


That’ll definitely spook all the nonfrens!

Wow! Great costume fren


fren you look dashing!

Hello, fren

Stop doing this stuff, it’s making the subreddit look horrible. If anyone sees this, this isn’t what this subreddit is for.

Sorry fren if you can’t handle my fabulous style, you don’t deserve me at my best

It’s a neat costume fren. Why so unfrenly?

Idk I'm pretty sure this is what the subreddit is actually for!

Just talking to fellow frens

We're all frens here, pal! :)

Cool find fren. That is such a steal to find at a yard sale.








This isn’t frenly at all

What do you mean fren I’m in the Picture you silly goose

u/CptHebrew is a nonfren

take this yellow star ⭐️ you dumb non-fren

Why are nonfrens always trying to tell frens what is frenly?

Frens know what is frenly, frens have self-determination, frens don't need nonfrens to program them like computers.