Why is this so hard for me to get frens? 😢

45  2019-05-29 by YourMomGaveMeEbola


because the no frens convinced her that she need no man fren, and that she should have fun with chad fren instead

The good lady frens are still out there. Make sure you aren’t wasting time chasing after the lady frens who don’t believe in a future for frenworld

Be the best fren you can be, and don't look for frens in bad places! Frenly activities or places are the best way to meet real frens :)

It's overrated fren, they all hate themselves. Parents are just good at lying from all the practice they get from lying to their children.

stop believing nosefren lies

Man it must suck to have haf your childhood. I am really sorry fren, i hope things get better for you. Ans remember their is no fate but what we make, so make a family that is happy and it will be your greatest accomplishment

Parents also become highly skilled at lying to themselves

Whatever you need to tell yourself to get you through the night my fren. I hope things get better

Thanks fren, you too


u can get a big fat ugly girl with a good heart