frens... i accidentally bol bopped alot of good frens :(

217  2019-05-29 by DEATH_TO_ZIONISM


I heard you bopped a lot of not sees. Maybe you're the inspiration for all the TopMeanies?

Don’t bop the frens (((they))) want you to bop, bop the non-frens you believe need to be bopped

are (((they))) the non-fren overlords?

That's not very frenly, fren

You seem a little unfrenly. I don’t like this very much

fren, i think i saw you in theater performance once. really unfrenly stuff

stop. stop making this sub political. I subbed to this subreddit to see wholesome pepe/apu memes but the deeper I looked into here I see a hidden meaning to this sub and it sucks its that way.

The hidden message that pol pot sucks? If you think that's a bad message maybe you yourself aren't very wholesome.

Fren it's not very frenly to dictate a community how to behave

It's actually moving towards just being wholesome memes, you should have seen this place at the beginning lol


Hidden meaning of Pol Pot being a reallt shit fucking person? His rule killed millions of his own

More like Pol Bop, amirite frens?

Frens I am looking to take a holiday. Any ideas where I should holiday? Also what should I not forget to pack?

Italy is a lovely place to go, especially if you are into ancient history! The food is also really good too

But that wasn’t real Boppunism, fren.

That year, the life expectancy for women was 22.39 years and for men 16.29 years.
