Hi, are dapper frens allowed

1  2019-05-29 by BobAvarkian


![img](3l8iupbma6131 "Hi Frens")

And also, I want to inform yo' Nazi ass that you are the devil race, created sixty six hundred years ago when the evil Scientist Yakub of the tribe of Shabazz lured some among the community of the Original Asiatic Black Man by teaching that he, not Allah, was the true God, promising them power and domination. He gathered unto himself thousands and thousands of followers, causing trouble where ever he went, but was captured, and jailed. His followers continue to grow, so the King made a deal with Yakub, that he should take his followers and separate them from the Original Muslim Community, and they traveled the desert, many perished along the way, until they arrive at Pelan (which the Bible called Patmos) and there bred his followers until the wicked, but weak, white blood prevailed over the stronger, original, black blood, forcing the lighter skinned ones to breed and killing any darker babies. Although Yakub only lived for 150 years, he bequeathed unto his followers instructions on how to graft the white devil race, and in 600 years' time, he produced the brown man, the yellow man, the red man, and finally, the devillish white man. There is not a single shred of goodness in him. The white man was born from the most horrific process and is therefore imprinted with bloodlust, hatred of peace, or goodness, spreading chaos and destruction where ever he goes. The White Devil race lack true intelligence, but is full of wicked animal like cunning and a taste for discord. But this was foreordained by Allah, who have sent the devil race to have dominion over the earth as punishment for the sins of mankind, and their haughtiness, the splendors of civilization making them forget of Allah, of his power to raise and destroy nation, until Allah returned in the form of Wallace Fard Muhammad, and his prophet, the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, to restore the Original Black Man to his original place.


I know that some of you will laugh and scoff at this, thinking that this is just a fairytale, but the white devil "fren" scientists even confirm what the Prophet Elijah Muhammad preached!



