Nonfrens don’t appreciate butterfrens :(

1099  2019-05-29 by RoastedDuckinator


nonfrens believ things without any legitimate frenly evidence :( very sad

But frens, these are blue butterfrens. They are nonfrenly, all of them

Nonfrens cannot find the fronthole, so they don't know how to enjoy a butterfren. Nonfrens are sex-obsessed perverts, so they don't enjoy innocent things like butterfrens, purity, etc. All they enjoy is buggery and violence.

That's why they hate babies, family and traditions. Deep inside they know they are too unfrenly to deserve any of that, so they have to make everything unfrenly to fit their degenerate ways.

They may be nonfrens, but we don't have to act like them! You are becoming a bit unfrenly :(

It is not up to us to save their souls. That they must do themselves.

Also they borrowed my favorite Bionicle (the red one) and still haven’t given it back. :(


Butterfrens are so beautiful don’t worry about what the nonfrens say fren! Just keep on loving life

an enemy of the butterfren is an enemy of mine! down with butterfoes.

we just make nonfrens jealous

Butterflies are now not see stuff.

They don't appreciate anything, fren. It's just not see this and not see that. I mean, open your eyes, almost frens, frenworld is beautiful. Or what's left of it, anyway.

You know what? Everyone on 4chan and 8chan should be on a terror list. Every single fren. I couldn’t give a single shit about their “freedom of speech”

Oh no man. You're gonna get banned. I'm not safe associating with you. Rest in peace, fight the good fight.

Why are all non-frens either starbux or marvel fanatics? It makes me think...

I believe he is memeing, fren.

I was fren :(

Us poor frens are persecuted wherever we go, we just took your comment to be antifrenitism. It’s not that we do anything wrong either, the top 109 other subreddits just hate us for no reason. :(

do not bop this fren he is memeing

move along