Apu Häyhä is here to protect you from the invasion by red non-frens

366  2019-05-29 by ava30


Yes go go go white death fren! Get those filthy red nonfrens!

You watch the fronines fren, and I'll root out non frens within with my comrades of Secret Service.

I'm sure the green death will be enough to scare away any chappos or topminds trying to illegally cross the border into frenworld.

The best years of my life were spent bopping communists. I never once thought of retiring.

We must recognize that crossing the line is an act of war---war is a state of affairs, not a declaration. If nonfrens are crossing the line, we have a right of self-defense, they are not allowed to cross into us.

That's true fren but I still think that if you want peace you have to prepare for war. Showing our might to the non-frens and scaring them away is much preferable to having to fight them.

Of course, fren, but it a good offense is also the best defense.

Do you let your enemy get close to the goal before you kick him in the shins, or do you do that downfield so he gets the message?

We must bop this “Joey steel” the Chapo nonfrens keep talking about

can they defend from frickthealtright?

All non-frens will be stopped at the border. Unless they cross during my tendie break.

iTs oK iF tHeY iNvAdE aS lOnG aS tHeY dO iT lEGaLlY

t. non fren

Don't be silly, every attempt to cross the border by a non-fren is illegal.

I agree fren, but those sneaky non frens are trying to make it legal, and tell us that it's ok because it's legal.

Will apu protect us against the nosefrens too?

During the second world unfrenliness in the army of frenland both fren and nosefren fought together with no distinction between each other against the red menace.

I like the nosefrens who keep their different colored crayons in different boxes! A box for each color of crayon so none of them get lost!

But there are some nosefrens who are nonfrens :( they try to mix up the boxes and confuse everyone! We need to bop them!

nosefren subversion

reds are all nosefrens

That's a good reason to keep an eye out on any nosefrens for any unfrenly business, but not a reason to call the nosefren in the trench next to mine bopping reds a non-fren.

be careful fren, many Germans fought with nosefrens only to be stabbed in the back by them in WW1

Nosefrens arent frenlands problem nor ene-mee

your nose is showing, nonfren


A good commie is a bopped commie. Bop them all fren

Bop them good, hang them upside down, bop their skin from waist up, bop them some more, and leave them for doggo frens to feed on.

inb4 the sabaton frens






He can bop them all with iron sights


Kiidos Suomi :--DD