🎶Oh, I'm a good old rebel Now that's just what I am🎶

72  2019-05-29 by ExpertSurprise


https://youtu.be/yhOxcv164zI I like dis 1 aswell

It's a good one to sing along

Is that the original rhythm and all?

I like to hear the original ones to understand better how these people must have felt.

Idk fren, but it's the intro song to Rebel Yell and I like it

Be careful fren! Don't trust non-frens who want to play dick-see with you!

If the hermeneutics of gay suspicion stop you from playing Dixie with frens, then are u really even a fren?

I had my banjo ready, non-frens were very confused and ran away.

The frens will rise again.

Oh no fren someone might think you’re a BAD fren wink wink

Frens no hate.

Not hate to fite 4 ur state fren

Oh southern star, how I wish you would shine And show me the frenly way to go home

My great (x5) gran fren fought with General Fren. E Lee

ur gramps must have been an #onorable man, he would be proud of you

He was very #onorable. Sadly the non-frens lied and said he was a criminal and stole his land so my great (x5) fren had to escape out west and change his name. That’s the price heroes pay sometimes for having #onor

I saw General Fren raise the sabre in his hand

Heard the cannon's roar as you made your last stand

You marched in the battle with the gray and the red

When the cannon's smoke cleared, took days to count the dead

Yeah. Fighting for the right to own and horribly abuse people. Soooooo justified

Wrong war fren. What ur talkin about is why the capitalists and commies teamed up to fight WW2.

Uuuh, no. The American Civil War was about slavery

No that's ww2. Tho civil war was also kinda about not becoming debt slave for capitalist elites.


If the hermeneutics of gay suspicion stop you from playing Dixie with frens, then are u really even a fren?